Did you know ?
There are over 42 tribes that make up Kenya and each has its own 
language with various dilects.

 NEIL SI GOOT! means "Welcome to Alaska!"
Did you know?
Alaska has 17 of the 20 highest mountains in North America and 
Mt.McKinley is the highest at 20,320 ft.

KONNICHIWA! means "Hello"
Did you know?
Sumo wrestlers in Japan wear a special silk belt known as
'rikishi' and fight only with bare hands.

MUCHO GUSTO! means "pleased to meet you!"
Did you know?
The largest bullfighting ring of the world 'Plaza de Toros' is in
Mexico City and can hold 40,000 spectators.

 IZ-ZA-AC? means "How are you?"
Did you know?
4000 years ago, Egyptians believed that the earth was flat
and round like a plate.

#Cadbury Gems Surprise Pandas
Dr.John Panda
{ Dr.John Panda meets his friends & lets them have all fruits except apples. Wondering why?

'Because an apple a day, keeps the doctor away'. }

Tip: "If you listen to Mom, you won't see me often!

#Cadbury Gems Surprise Pandas
#Tim Wand Magician Panda

{ Tim Wand Panda loves to say 'Abracadabra' when he is about to show a delightful magic trick with his deck of cards, little rabbit and red dices. }

Tip: "Go for a magic show to believe in something unbelievable!

#Cadbury Gems Surprise Pandas
 #Charles Ray - The Graduate Panda ***

Tip:"Every book is a ticket to take you to another world."

#Cadbury Gems Surprise Pandas
#Zoom - The Racer Panda

{ Zoom Panda loves using the fifth gear & checking his speed-o-meter as he burns rubber }

Tip: "Winning a race is important but trying your best to win a

race is more valuable."

#Cadbury Gems Surprise Pandas
#Tyler - Hip Hop Panda

 { Tyler Panda loves peppy numbers to show off some stylish hip-hop moves! }
Tip: "Do some hip-hop forget the blues."

#Cadbury Gems Surprise Pandas
#Captain Shark - The Pirate Panda

{ Shark Panda lives to discover the biggest of treasures, hidden deep down in far off oceans. }

Tip: "Arrrrr... There is more treasure in books than there is at sea!"

#Cadbury Gems Surprise Pandas
#Tony - The Detective Panda

 { Detective Tony Panda loves to observe everything around him through his magnifying glass. }
Tip: "A sharp mind is the biggest asset of a detective."

#Cadbury Gems Surprise Pandas
#Maxwell - The Scientist Panda

{ Maxwell Panda loves to spend time conducting experiments in his secret laboratory and writing

about metals, atoms, elements, solids, liquids and gases. }

Tip: "Curiosity is what makes a good scientist."

#Cadbury Gems Surprise Pandas
#Anna - The Nurse Panda

{ Anna Panda loves her job because she gets to work in a hospital and help doctors fight diseases. }

Tip: "A good nurse is always patient."

***Charles Ray - The Graduate Panda - Not the orginal picture.

1 comment:

  1. These version of pandas look too cute. It is a great idea to display them on the cards and make them a unique piece.
